Class Blog Page:
This class is a digitally oriented class. If you do not have a digital SLR, you will need to shoot 35mm or medium format film cameras and scan required images.
1: If you did not take the required prerequisites
for this course you must see instructor.
2: Late assignments will be penalized one grade
per class day (week).
3: Do not bring friends or children to the lecture
portion of class. You may bring them to photograph.
4: Studio Usage: you must sign up in advance to use the studio with instructor. The studio is here for use for a learning environment. Do not use studio for commercial purposes.
5: Treat equipment with respect. Misuse or carelessness may result in being dismissed from
class. Always have instructor to turn on lighting equip. Do not use remote control for strobes!
6: Photos taken on campus cannot be nude, semi-nude or in any way revealing.
7: Please try to be on time as it is a disruption for whole class.
8: LAB TIME: The lab is open from 7:00-10PM
(when we start clean-up). If you used any equipment .in lab or studio, you are expected to clean that space and, put away that equip. You are expected stop working at 10PM, or
times will be altered. NO EXCEPTIONS!
9. Computer & print rooms are off limits to students in this class, unless you are enrolled in one of our digital classes and clear it with the digital instructor .
10. All assignments will be turned in using the following criteria:
1: Digital Files only.
2: JPEG files only.
3: Sized to 4x6 @ 150 DPI.
4: File Names:
Last name, Assignment name
NO EXCEPTIONS! Failure to follow the above criteria will result in 0 (zero) points for that assignment.
Textbook: Required textbook: Lighting Techniques for Fashion and Glamour Photography. Stephen A. Danzig PsyD. Amherst Media ISBN1-58428-147-2 (
www.amhurstmedia.com) You can also check at Amazon.com for purchase.
Field Trips
There will be two field trip this semester. Attendance is required. The first field trip will be to Old Town Folsom and the second to be announced.
Final grades will be based on assignments and the
quality of your finished presentation, lab procedures
& class participation are also important.
No office hour.
You can e-mail me at: